Lent 2020 – Day 14

Readings: Jer 17, 5-10; Ps 1, 1-2, 3, 4, 6; Lk 16, 19-31

Jeremiah fearlessly denounced even kings and priests; seeing through the fallen nature of man, he declared that nothing short of a conversion could save him. “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,” he said.

The Gospel draws our attention to a rich man who trusted in himself and in the good things of life; he failed to turn to the Lord with a grateful heart and to his own neighbour with concern. When he died, he was tormented in hell while the poor man was in God’s bosom.

Let’s be dutiful people, praying at all times. Let’s be kind and generous, trusting in the Lord our God: we owe Him every moment of our being. And let our conversion begin today; tomorrow may be too late.