Humility pays dividends

LENT 2020 – Day 20

Readings: Kings 5, 1-15; Ps 41, 2, 3; 42, 3, 4; Lk 4, 24-30

Naaman, that valiant army commander of Syria, suffered from leprosy. When they told him that prophet Elisha of Samaria could cure him, he rushed there, only to be upset that the prophet wasn’t very deferential. However, after he put his ego behind him and followed instructions, he was cured, and quickly proclaimed: “There is no God in all the earth but in Israel.”

Jesus is the Master Physician of the body and the soul; he cures our physical ailments and frees us from sin. But alas, we take no notice of the treasures we possess. Hence, Jesus said: “No prophet is acceptable in his own country.” We lack the humility to accept our faults when confronted with unpalatable truths. ‘Outsiders’ like Naaman strike gold, while we in our indifference or disbelief fall prey to false prophets.

Let's hasten to the altar of God like a deer to the running streams. Let's seek Him with humility and he will make us whole. Only the soul that thirsts for God stands protected.