Konkani Saga in the Roman Script

The book maps out Konkani’s saga from the sixteenth century up to our days and proposes a modified Roman script.

Love Him, who is the Light!

He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the Light. Let us be children of the Light and love Him who is the Light of the World.

Calling a spade a spade

Jesus in His love and mercy, but also in justice and zeal for His Father, never failed to call a spade a spade.

Matter of life and death

While we live in a world that prizes life, we are surrounded by agencies of death. We value the life of the body and ignore the death of the soul.

Let’s walk right back to God!

We live in a worldly wilderness, a moral desert, a spiritual wasteland. Lent is when, with a contrite heart, we may walk right back to God.

Moving Corpses Miraculously Cured

Leprosy is a curable disease today; perhaps the associated stigma is not. And few would realise that the stigma of sin is infinitely worse.

Miracles and His Mission

Our souls are like long cramped scrolls waiting to be smoothed out and soothed. Why not entrust our disordered and miserable selves to God?

Prophets of faithfulness

Prophecy is a gift we receive at Baptism, and will be able to use optimally so long as we are prayerful and faithful.

Repentance: an essential qualification

We often get entangled in our worldly nets, in our worldwide web, finding it embarrassing to even acknowledge, let alone proclaim, Jesus.